How to Become a Member

Girl playing with dolls

Kiwanis is driven by enthusiastic, motivated volunteers who want to make a difference in their community. Membership is cost-effective and does not require much time out of your busy schedule. Most of the focus is helping children in our community, our country and the world. Developing leadership is also part of our mandate, leading through example and providing programs for youth and children to develop their leadership skills is a great way to contribute to our community. Children inspired by what they learn, go on to achieve great accomplishments that have a direct impact on the good being of the people in our city and our region.

The Kiwanis Club of Guelph meets on Thursdays at noon at Cutten Fields (formerly the Cutten Club) at 190 College Av East. We are an established club with a 90+ year history of service to this area of Ontario. On occasions, we have speakers at which time meetings end about 1:30.

In our community we are unified in our belief that children and their communities benefit from the efforts of a proficient group of caring and involved volunteers. Does this describe you? Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.